Psalm 2:1-12

Even though mankind rages in sinful rebellion, God's King remains on the throne, and he extends forgiveness and salvation to all who turn to him in faith.

Main Points:

  1. Man's sin (vv. 1-3)

  2. God's response (vv. 4-6)

  3. Christ's sovereign reign (vv. 7-9)

  4. Salvation through the Son (vv. 10-12)

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. Read Psalm 2:1-12 What is the main point of this passage of Scripture?

  2. How do you see sin and rebellion manifest in your own life? What areas of life do you struggle to yield to Christ's rule?

  3. Does the Psalmist's accounting of God's response to mankind in vv. 4-6 surprise you? If so, how?

  4. In vv. 8-9 we see Christ reigning in complete victory. Why does it not always appear like this is the case now? (Reflect on Heb. 2:5-9)

  5. Read Zephaniah 3. What moves the Lord from a posture of wrath against Israel and the rebellious nations to one of love and exultant singing? How does v. 12 echo the blessing at the end of Psalm 2?

  6. How is God calling you to respond to this message from Psalm 2:1-12?


Summer Series (Part I)


Psalm 145:1-21