Our Covenant
Being a part of a local church involves more than showing up at the same time and place on Sunday morning. A church consists of members who are committed to help one another grow in loving obedience to Christ in all of life. At Sellwood Church our commitments to one another are summarized in the following church covenant.
Having been brought by God’s grace to repentance and faith in Jesus, and having been baptized upon profession of that faith, we now covenant with one another, by God’s enabling grace. We will seek to grow our relationship with the Lord through the Word and prayer. We will live in accord with the gospel we believe, honoring Jesus in public and in private, in every sphere of life and in all relationships, encouraging obedience to Jesus among Christians, and seeking the salvation of those who remain outside of Jesus.
We will gather each Sunday, as God enables us, to worship God together by listening to the reading and preaching of his Word, praying and singing his Word, confessing our sins and our faith, and celebrating the Lord’s Supper. We will also look for other opportunities to gather with one another to encourage each other’s obedience to Jesus in all things.
We will care for one another by praying for each other, speaking truth in love, rejoicing in each other’s happiness, and bearing each other’s burdens. If a member remains in clear and unrepentant sin, we will lovingly seek their repentance as directed by God’s Word.
We will humbly pursue the unity of this church, avoiding gossip and grudges, being quick to forgive, and seeking reconciliation with those we have offended. We will uphold our common doctrine and discipline, supporting the decisions on which this church has agreed.
We will follow the leadership of the Elders as those who will give an account for keeping watch over our souls. We will avoid promoting doctrine that directly opposes the public teaching of the Elders in a way that sows division. If an Elder fails to uphold the gospel in his teaching or lifestyle, we will seek his removal from office, in submission to the discernment of the church.
We will regularly, generously, and cheerfully contribute toward the expenses of this church in order to support the ongoing ministry of the Word, world missions, and members in financial need.
If we leave this church we will seek to do so peaceably, looking to join another church that celebrates the same gospel, continuing to live out the spirit of this commitment to Jesus and his people.