Psalm 145:1-21
Our God is supremely and uniquely worthy of praise because he is both Great and Good, wholly other and tenderly near to his people.
Main Points:
A call to praise God (vv. 1-2)
The greatness of God – transcendence (vv. 3-6)
The goodness of God – immanence (vv. 7-20)
God’s Kingdom is the way that it is because God is the way he is (vv. 11-13)
Call to this Lord while you can (vv. 18-20)
A call to praise God (v. 21)
Sermon Discussion Questions
Read Psalm 145:1-21 What is the main point of this passage of Scripture?
Which do you take more comfort in: The goodness of God or the greatness of God?
How do you respond to the greatness of God? What does an understanding of God’s greatness do to your prayer life, worship, and evangelism?
How do you respond to the goodness of God? What does an understanding of God’s goodness do to your prayer life, worship, and evangelism?
Why is it important to you that God be both great and good?
We often associate kingdoms with glory and power. The Kingdom of God has glory and power, but is also characterized by humility, compassion, and mercy. How does that truth change the way that you live now as an ambassador of Christ’s Kingdom?
How is God calling you to respond to this message from Psalm 145:1-21?