The Faith We Hold in Common

In addition to affirming the doctrines represented in the early creeds (Apostles' Creed, Nicene Creed, and Chalcedonian Creed), we receive the following statement of faith as an accurate representation of the teaching of Scripture. We often corporately confess this faith together during our Sunday morning worship gathering.

Confession 1:
On the Bible & God

We believe the Bible is the Word of God, uniquely inspired by the Holy Spirit and without any errors in its teaching.

We believe the Bible is the highest authority for all matters of faith and life. 

We believe in one God, eternally existing in three equally divine persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe God created, sustains, and rules over all things.

We believe God is worthy of the whole-hearted worship and adoration of all people.

Confession 2 :
On Man, Jesus & the Gospel

We believe God created all people, both men and women, in his own image to glorify him. 

We believe all people, except Jesus, are sinners by nature and by their thoughts, words and actions. 

We believe sinners have been separated from God and deserve his eternal punishment.

We believe Jesus is the eternal Son of God who became man, without ceasing to be God, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin.

We believe Jesus is the promised Messiah, spoken of by the Old Testament prophets.

We believe the gospel of Jesus: Jesus lived a sinless life, suffered and died in the place of sinners, physically rose from the dead, and ascended to the right hand of the Father. Jesus will return to remake the world, reign as King, raise the dead, judge all people, bring eternal punishment to those who remain in sin, and bring eternal joy to those who have turned from sin and trust in him.

Confession 3:
On Salvation & the Church

We believe salvation is a gift of God, received by grace alone, through faith in Jesus.

We believe all who turn from sin and trust in Jesus have been given new hearts by the Holy Spirit.

We believe it is only through faith in Jesus that sinners are united to him and declared righteous by God, on the basis of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

We believe the Holy Spirit lives in all believers and gives them a growing obedience to God from the heart.

We believe the destiny of all believers is conformity to the image of Jesus and life with him in glory, forever.

We believe all believers are members of the universal Church, having Jesus as King.

We believe the universal Church is made visible in local churches where believers who have made their faith public in Baptism agree to share in the Lord’s Supper, celebrate the preaching of God’s Word, care for one another’s needs, hold each other accountable to obey Jesus, and spread the gospel to the world.

What We Teach

We are a church in the historic reformed baptist tradition. The elders of our church are in substantial agreement with the doctrine presented in The 1689 London Baptist Confession. The preaching and teaching ministries of our church reflects that doctrine.