Summer Series (Part I)
The Fear of the Lord - Part I
What Are You Afraid Of?
Find relief from sinful fear in Christ Jesus.
Main Points:
Sin gives birth to sinful fear.
Christ removes sinful fear.
Sermon Discussion Questions
What is the main point of this message?
Has the topic of the "Fear of the Lord" confused you in the past? Consider Luke 12:4-7 and Exodus 20:20.
Do you agree we live in a culture of fear? Why or why not? What are the things people are afraid of?
What fears/anxieties do you struggle with? Why?
Are you afraid of God? Have you ever been afraid of God? In what ways?
According to Hebrews 13:6 and Luke 12:6-7, how does knowing God in Christ relate to fear of things in the world?
How is God calling you to respond to this message?