Ecclesiastes 4:4-16— Better Together

Working for things is unsatisfying, but comfort can be found in community.

  1. Working for Things (vv. 4-8)

  2. Working with Who? (vv. 9-12)

  3. Working for Praise (vv. 13-16)

Discussion Questions

  1. Read Ecclesiastes 4:4-16. What do you think is the main point of this passage?

  2. Consider verses 4-8. Do you agree with the preacher that envy is a prime motivator for work in this world under the sun? How do you see this in the world?

  3. Have you struggled with envy? In what ways?

  4. The preacher makes clear in verse 5 that the answer to be free from envy is not laziness. Do you see elements of our society that have responded to the "rat race" and "keeping up with the Joneses" by becoming lazy and unproductive? Where do you see this?

  5. Have you struggled with laziness? In what ways?

  6. In verse 6 the preacher tells us that a life with a good balance of both rest and productivity should be pursued. Do you have the right balance? How do we pursue this balance? Explain.

  7. Consider verses 9-12. The preacher points to the comfort that community brings in the midst of the futility of labor. What is God's answer to our need for this community in Christ?

  8. How can you better appreciate the gift of this community that Christ intends for you to enjoy and benefit from? 

  9. Consider verses 13-16. Kings are often envied and poor people are not often envied. But in this story the life of the poor young man is a model for us. How does this story challenge you? Do you often desire the wrong qualities and envy people that are not truly enviable, like the king in this story? Explain.

  10. As we consider the life of Christ, how does he appear like someone not to be envied? What does this teach us?

  11. How is God calling you to respond to this message on Ecclesiastes 4:4-16?


Ecclesiastes 5:1-7— What Did You Say?


Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 4:3— What Time Is It?