Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 4:3— What Time Is It?

We can’t understand the purpose for everything in this life because God is the one who purposes all things, not us.

  1. Different Seasons, Same Gain (vv. 3:1-9)

  2. God’s Control, Our Response (vv. 3:10-15)

  3. God’s Justice, Our Judgment (vv. 3:16-4:3)

Discussion Questions

  1. Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-4:3. What do you think is the main point of this passage?

  2. Consider verses 3:1-9. What are some of the various seasons of your life that you have experienced? What have been the more joyful seasons? What have been the most painful seasons? What lasting material gain or satisfaction did you gain from those seasons?

  3. What season are you most looking forward to and hoping for yet ahead? Do you think you have unrealistic expectations for that season? Are you looking for some gain under the sun from that season? Explain.

  4. Consider verses 3:10-15. When did you come to the conclusion, like the preacher, that God is in sovereign control over everything in your life? Explain.

  5. Consider verses 3:12-13. The preacher encourages his readers to embrace their finite creatureliness. To enjoy the fleeting pleasures of life that are in front of us as gifts from God, even though we can’t understand all of God’s ways. Is this easy for you to do? How have you done this? How have you failed at this? How can you grow at this? What does this look like? Are there dangerous to be aware of with this mindset?

  6. Consider verses 3:16-4:3. What are some injustices that you see persisting in this world? Do you think this is a big reason why some people have trouble believing in God? Explain.

  7. Consider verse 3:17. How are you patiently waiting for the season of Christ’s return and judgment?

  8. How does the incarnation of Christ show us that God is not dispassionate about our suffering and the injustice of this world?

  9. How is God calling you to respond to this message on Ecclesiastes 3:1-4:3?


Ecclesiastes 4:4-16— Better Together


Ecclesiastes 1:12 - 2:26— Choose Your Pleasure