God in the Flesh: The Christ Who Wept (John 11:32-36)

The emotions of Jesus show his love for us.

Main Points:

  1. Jesus’ heart for his friends

  2. Jesus’ heart for the lost

  3. Jesus’ heart for the world

Discussion Questions

  1. Read John 11:32-36. What is the main point of this passage of Scripture?

  2. Do you tend to focus more on Christ's deity, or his humanity? Why do we need both?

  3. Which aspect of Christ's emotions stuck out to you most and why?

  4. Do you find it easy or difficult to show empathy to others? Why?

  5. What groups of people do you find it difficult to have a heart for in their lostness?

  6. What are practical ways for you to pray more in order to grow in empathy, or for the lost?

  7. How is God calling you to respond to this message from John 11:32-36?


God in the Flesh: The Christ Who Hungered (Matthew 4:1-5)


John 17:1-26