Acts 15:35-16:5

Sermon Discussion Questions

1. Read Acts 15:35 - 16:5. What is the main point of this passage of Scripture?

2. In 15:36-41 there is a painful division and separation. Have you experience painful divisions and separations as a Christian in the local church? Explain.

3. Why do you think the author of Acts doesn’t make clear to us who is right or who is wrong in this disagreement?

4. How does this separation give us a positive example, even though it is painful? What does it tell us about the gospel? How does it help us relate to the presbyterian church plant down the street?

5. In Acts 16:1-5 we have a stunning example of deference and accommodation. Read Galatians 2:3-5, Galatians 5:1-12, and 1 Corinthians 7:18-20. In a sentence, what is Paul’s view of circumcision? What does this tell us about the gospel of Christ?

6. Why does Paul circumcise Timothy, and what does this tell us about the gospel of Christ?

7. What are the things in your life that God is calling you to defer on, or to not make a stumbling block, in the church and for the sake of your witness, all under Christ? How would living in this way make much of Jesus and the gospel in your life?

8. How is God calling you to respond to this message from Acts 15:35 - 16:5?


Acts 16:6-24


Advent (Part IV)