Acts 17:1-15

Sermon Discussion Questions

1. Read Acts 17:1 - 17:15. What is the main point of this passage of Scripture?

2. Read vv. 1-3 carefully. Think about all the words used to describe Paul’s ministry: Paul “reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving…” What does this tell us about the character of Paul’s ministry?

3. What words would you use to describe the character of your ministry of the word to unbelievers?

4. Look carefully at v. 3. What is Paul’s message? Why?

5. What is the message you are seeking to persuade unbelievers of? Is it the same or different than Paul’s message? Why?

6. What was the Jews accusation of Paul and Silas in vv. 6-7. Is Jesus another King? How so? Is he your King? how so?

7. The Jews were misrepresenting Paul and Silas, making it seem as though they were inciting an insurrection. Have people ever misrepresented your words when you are trying to minister Christ? Explain. How do you deal with this when it happens?

8. Read v. 11. How were the Jews in Berea more noble than those in Thessalonica? Why do you think Luke is pointing this out to the reader and making this judgment? What is your daily relationship to God’s word? Why?

9. How is God calling you to respond to this message from Acts 17:1 - 17:15?


Acts 17:16-33


Acts 16:25-40