Acts 18:1-17

Amidst opposition and misunderstanding from the world, God promises fruit from the ministry of the word.

1. Opposition to the ministry of the word (18:1-6)

2. Promises of the ministry of the word (18:7-11)

3. Misunderstandings to the ministry of the word (18:12-17)

Sermon Discussion Questions

1. Read Acts 18:1 - 18:17. What is the main point of this passage of Scripture?

2. In 18:3 we learn that Paul often had gainful employment as a tent-maker during his ministry. Why do you think that people today often find the need to have psychological fulfillment in their career in order to have a meaningful life? Do you agree with this? What makes work good?

3. In 18:5 we see Paul’s passion in life was not his career. What was it? How would you describe your passion? If an alien from another planet was to observe your life, what would they say you are “occupied” with? Why?

4. In v. 6 we see that many Jews directly opposed Paul’s ministry of the word. Have you experienced opposition to your ministry of Christ? Explain.

5. In vv. 12-17 we see that many of the Jews misunderstood Paul’s ministry as opposing the Old Testament scriptures. We also see the government official, Gallio, thinking that Paul’s message about Jesus didn’t really concern him. To Gallio Paul’s message of Christ was a message that didn’t touch real life but was only about “words and names and the Jewish law.” Both the Jews and Gallio misunderstood Paul’s message. Has your faith and message ever been misunderstood? Explain.

6. What is more frustrating to you, being directly opposed or being misunderstood? Why?

7. How was Jesus opposed? How was he misunderstood?

8. How is Jesus’ promise to Paul in vv. 9-11 relevant to us? Explain.

9. How is God calling you to respond to this message from Acts 18:1 - 18:17?


Acts 18:18-19:10


Acts 17:16-33