Isaiah 63:1-65:16

Our only hope is in God's great salvation

Humanity's desperation for God's saving work is seen in…

Main Points:

  1. The Promise of God's Judgment (Sea Level: Isaiah 63:1-6 & 65:8-16)

  2. The Character of God & of Israel (Halfway Up the Mountain: 63:7-15 & 65:1-7)

  3. Isaiah's Prayer for a Deep Salvation (The Mountain Top: 63:15-64:12)

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. Read Isaiah 63:1-65:16. What is the main point of this passage of Scripture?

  2. Consider 63:1-6 & 65:8-16. Have you ever been offended at the idea that God will judge all of mankind in a final judgment? Why or why not?

  3. Consider 63:1-6. How is the character of God seen in this passage? What do we learn about him?

  4. Does the character of God described in 63:1-6 show the God that you know personally? How have you seen God's character in your own life?

  5. Consider 65:1-7. What is the character of Israel described in this passage? Can you relate to Israel in any way?

  6. Consider 63:15-64:12. Pay special attention to 63:17 and 64:5. Have you ever felt desperate for God to change your heart? The heart of someone else? Explain. How can you relate to Isaiah's prayer?

  7. How do we see this prayer answered in Jesus?

  8. How is God calling you to respond to this message from Isaiah 63:1-65:16?


Isaiah 65:17-66:24


Isaiah 60:1-62:12