Isaiah 60:1-62:12

God has promised his people a beautiful city in which they will dwell in the light of God's glory.

Main Points:

  1. The Promise of Zion (Isaiah 60:1-22)

  2. Zion's Champion (Isaiah 61:1-3)

  3. The People of Zion (Isaiah 61:4-62:12)

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. Read Isaiah 60:1-62:12. What is the main point of this passage of Scripture?

  2. How does this inform how we view the triune God of the Bible?

  3. What does it mean to be a Christian in light of this passage?

  4. Does this passage bring up any besetting sin or lack of trust in God in your heart?

  5. What are implications for how we as a church should live from this passage?

  6. How does this passage cause us to look forward to Christ?

  7. How is God calling you to respond to this message from Isaiah 60:1-62:12?


Isaiah 63:1-65:16


Isaiah 58:1-59:21