Mark 2:13-17— The God Who Heals the Sick

Jesus came to seek and to save lost sinners like you and like me.

  1. The Call of Christ

  2. Two Responses

  3. The Savior’s Mission

Discussion Questions

  1. Read Mark 1:35 - 2:12 & Review the Sermon: What was the main argument and the supporting points of the sermon?

  2. What parallels do you see between Mark 1:40-45 and 2:13-17? What do these two accounts show us about the heart of Christ?

  3. Consider the phrase "tax collectors and sinners." Who might we be tempted to categorize as beyond the reach of Christ, today? What does this reveal about our hearts?

  4. Consider the scribes’ response to Jesus’ fellowship with tax collectors and sinners in v. 16. What didn't they understand about Jesus and about his mission? What didn't they understand about themselves?

  5. When we (or the Bible - see Luke 7:34) say that Jesus was a "friend of sinners," what does that mean? What doesn't it mean? Consider Luke 5:32.

  6. How is a knowledge of our own sinfulness necessary for salvation? How should such knowledge draw us to greater worship and delight in Christ?

  7. Consider Corporate Application: How does this passage and sermon apply to the life and mission of our church?

  8. Invite the Church Into Your Life: How can other people in the church pray for you and help you in your resolve to respond to God’s word in this way? Are there practical ways others can help you? Explain.


Mark 2:18-22— Fasting, Feasting, Fabric, and Fermentation


Mark 1:35 - 2:12— The God Who Preaches