Joshua 22:1-34

Fidelity to God without presumption leads to unity among his people.

  1. The call to fidelity.

  2. The danger of presumption.

  3. Unity among God’s people.


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Sermon Debrief

Get together with other church members and use the talking points below to encourage one another’s growth in Christ. These talking points are often used in Wednesday night home gatherings.

Review the Sermon: Read Joshua 22:1-34 together & review the main idea & supporting points from the Sunday morning sermon.

Encourage One Another: Share ways that you grew in your knowledge and/or love of God from reflecting on this text.

Confess & Repent: If there was sin revealed to you in the preaching of God’s word, confess it to one another.

Serve One Another: Consider how to help one another pursue the obedience to God called for in this sermon/text.

Pray for One Another: Pray that what has been planted through God’s word in one another’s lives would bear fruit.


Joshua 23:1-16


Joshua 20:1-21:45