Galatians 6:11-18

Whose brand will you wear, the world’s or Christ’s?

  1. The Brand of the World (vv. 11-13)

  2. The Brand of Christ (vv. 14-18)


Click here to watch this sermon on YouTube.

Discussion Questions

  1. Read Galatians 6:11-18 & Review the Sermon: What was the main argument and the supporting points of the sermon?

  2. Discuss Insights Gained: Was there any new understanding or clarity you gained from this sermon? Are there ways that you better understand God and his ways because of the way he has revealed himself in this text of Scripture? Explain.

  3. Relate It to the Gospel: How did the preacher relate this passage of Scripture to the person and work of Jesus Christ? Are there other ways that this passage also points us to the person and work of Christ? Explain.

  4. Confess Sin: Is there any sin that God exposed through the preaching of God’s word, through other parts of the worship service, or at any other parts of the week, that you should confess?

  5. Consider How You Should Respond to God’s Word: How is God calling you, personally, to respond to this message on Galatians 6:11-18? Be as specific as possible.

  6. Consider Corporate Application: How does this passage and sermon apply to the life and mission of our church?

  7. Invite the Church Into Your Life: How can other people in the church pray for you and help you in your resolve to respond to God’s word in this way? Are there practical ways others can help you? Explain.


Joshua 1:1-9


Galatians 6:1-10