1 Corinthians 3:1-23
The Church is about God.
Divisiveness = worldliness (vv. 1-4)
The church is not about the minister (vv. 5-9)
Ministers will be judged (vv. 10-17)
Don’t boast in ministers (vv. 18-23)
Discussion Questions
Read 1 Corinthians 3:1-23. What do you think is the main point of this passage?
Consider vv. 1-4. Paul describes the Corinthian believers as brand new baby Christians who are not acting like Christians. Why do you think Paul is not calling them false believers, but assuming that they are immature believers? What implications does this have for ministry in the church?
Consider vv. 1-4. What is it in the lives of the Corinthian believers that Paul says is making them look carnal, and not like believers? What does this tell us about Christian maturity? What are ways that Christians often define Christian maturity? How do you think these definitions and signs of Christian maturity line up with the Scriptural definitions and signs of Christian maturity?
Consider vv. 5-9 and v. 21. It seems that members of the Corinthian church were boasting in Paul or Apollos. Do you think that Christians boasting in Christian ministers is a problem today? Explain.
Consider v. 6 and v. 8. Paul goes to great lengths to say that he and Apollos are on the same team. Is this the attitude of all Christian ministers today? Explain.
Consider v. 7. Christian ministers cannot convert or create Christian spiritual growth. Why is this important for the church to understand today?
Consider vv. 10-17. God is ultimately the judge of the faithfulness and fruit of a Christian ministry. Does this cause you to be measured in following or championing a particular Christian minister? Why or why not?
How is God calling you to respond to this message on 1 Corinthians 3:1-23?