1 Corinthians 1:10-17

The church finds unity around the gospel of Christ, not the gifts of men.

  1. The Glory of True Unity (v. 10)

  2. A Barrier to True Unity (vv. 11-12)

  3. Finding True Unity (vv. 13-17)

Discussion Questions

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 1:10-17. What do you think is the main point of this passage?

  2. What has been your experience with disunity and division? Have you ever experience division in the church? What was that like? Have you ever experienced division in other areas of life like your home, workplace, or among friends? What was that like?

  3. Have you ever experienced strong unity in the church? What was that like? What does Proverbs 17:1 mean, and does it ring true to your experience?

  4. Consider Paul receiving the report from Chloe’s people (1 Corinthians 1:11-12). As the church-planting apostle of that church, if Paul struggled with self-consciousness, how do you think he would have reacted differently to the news that only some of the church really wanted to follow him, but others preferred Cephas or Apollos?

  5. In 1 Corinthians 1:17 we learn that Paul is not interested in gaining a following for himself. What is he interested in? What can we learn from this?

  6. Practically speaking, how does making little of ourselves and much of Christ serve the unity of the local church? How does this relate to our local church?

  7. How does keeping the gospel central help to serve the unity of our church? Does this mean that all other doctrine is unimportant? Explain.

  8. How is God calling you to respond to this message on 1 Corinthians 1:10-17?


1 Corinthians 1:18-31


Exodus 12:33-42